Die ersten Modelle in Gmünd entstanden in Handarbeit. Dieses Foto dokumentiert gut den Entstehungsprozess, im Hintergrund Konstruktionsskizzen, Blechteile. Komenda und Otto Husslein vor der Holzkarosserie. Spezialisten klopften die Aluminium Teile wurden über der Holzblock-Karosse in Form, auch Komenda beherrschte das Handwerk des Metallklopfens und legte manchmal selbst Hand an, wenn es ums Korrigieren ging.


Diese Szene inspirierte den amerikanischen Künstler und Porsche Fan, Michael Jekot. "Das War Der Anfang". Sein Acrylbild  zeigt die Rolle die Erwin Komenda im Design und der Technik des Porsche Design spielt. Es beschreibt den frühen Beginn einer Designidee auf Papier, die übersetzt auf ausgeschnittene Muster aus Aluminium über einem Holzblock in Form gehämmert,  zum Beginn und Berührungspunkt für Designer wird - Porsche DNA.

Mike Jekot

Mr. Michael Jekot 5248 Zenith Avenue, South Minneapolis MN 55410 USA To whom it may concern: A. This will acknowledge and approve this request by the artist Michael Jekot, to execute any work of art such as but not limited to painting or printing images on canvas, paper or any other substrate that may be appropriate to the artist of the described photographs below. This permission gives the artist, Mr. Michael Jekot, rights to the created image on any substrate. These rights include the sale of the produced image or images as he sees appropriate. B. This will acknowledge and approve this request by the artist, Mr. Jekot, to use the three willingly submitted photographs of Mr. Komenda, described below, in the creation of art and as mentioned above by the artist in his email concerning “Erwin Komenda permission request” to Miss Steineck ( from 18.09.2003. C. This will acknowledge and approve this request by the artist, Michael Jekot, to use the photographs of the completed art piece (not submitted photographs owned by others) for the recommending of this type of artwork to his perspective customers, associations, clubs or whatever the artist regards as important to further his reputation. The photo images in any format, printed or electronic, will be shown in press releases, catalogs, as examples of the types of work the artist is capable of doing to current and prospective customers of Michael Jekot. D. The artist creates only one painting with several pre-sketches. The pre-sketches belong to the artist for keeping or selling. The painting belongs to Ms. Iris Steineck. From the painting the artist could create a limited edition of fine art prints for keeping or selling. Signature of the artist, Mr. Michael Jekot

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Wir haben uns der Erhaltung der Arbeit von Erwin Komenda verschrieben. Unsere Webseite zelebriert sein Vermächtnis und die Faszination für Porsche, die weltweit unzählige Herzen höher schlagen lässt.






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